Care for Kids

We love kids!

Our office is designed to make a trip to the dentist as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. A child with a positive impression of their first dental visit is much more likely to receive the care he or she needs over a lifetime to maintain good oral health.

We encourage parents to bring their child for their first visit at age 3, but will see even younger children if a parent has concerns. We want to make it a very positive experience, and keep it fun for your child. Your child's teeth will be checked for decay and, if possible, we will clean his or her teeth at that appointment. We will also educate you and your child on how to keep the teeth clean and healthy.

Problems can progress very quickly in a child’s tiny tooth, so a small cavity can become large very quickly. For this reason, we encourage a visit every 6 months for a checkup and cleaning. If we find cavities when they are small it results in simpler and shorter treatment appointments.

If your child is nervous, we offer laughing gas. Laughing gas, commonly used by dentists who specialize in children’s dentistry, is a safe gas your child breathes in to reduce anxiety and allow the dentist to do the best job she can. Your child remains conscious and able to interact with the dentist, and it has no after effects.

A common question is “Why do we need to fix baby teeth? They will fall out anyways!”. There are several reasons. First, baby teeth with cavities will eventually cause your child pain! Healthy teeth ensure your child can chew without discomfort. Also, healthy baby teeth are space holders for the adult teeth. If a child loses a baby tooth too early, the teeth beside it move into the space and can block out the adult tooth, resulting in crowded adult teeth.

Our office has a play room with toys and video games, and each operatory has a television, so your child can watch cartoons during his or her dental appointment.