Botox™ Cosmetic FAQ

BOTOX Cosmetic is a new treatment for facial wrinkles. It is a treatment that can only be administered by a qualified practitioner or registered nurse.

How much does it cost?

The cost of treatment varies by patient, depending on the amount of BOTOX Cosmetic required for the patient. It varies by gender and the type of wrinkles being treated. Men generally require more than women/women generally require less than men. This is something that you should talk to the practitioner about during our “free” aesthetic consolation.

How long does it take?

Generally, after the initial consultation, the treatment only takes about 15 minutes. The benefit is that there is no downtime — you can go right back to work or whatever it was you were doing!

How is it administered?

Tiny injection of BOTOX Cosmetic are administered by a qualified practitioner or registered nurse. Our Practitioner would be more than happy to go in to further details during your consultation or for more information, visit our BOTOX Cosmetic information page!

Does it hurt?

For most people there is no pain at all, due to the small needles used in this procedure. However, if it does hurt, most often it will feel like an insect bite, and there is no prolonged pain — just the initial pinprick sensation. It is best if you speak to our practitioner about this!

What is Juvederm®?

Juvederm is a crystal-clear, non-animal stabilized hyaluronic acid gel compound. When injected into the skin, Juvederm works with the body’s own hyaluronic acid to create the volume needed to lift lines and smooth wrinkles.

Juvederm is injected into the skin in tiny amounts with a fine needle, giving the skin back its natural volume to help smooth wrinkles. Treatment takes approximately 30 minutes with immediate results, and no pre-testing is needed.

What is IPL: Intense Pulsed Light?

IPL technology is a light treatment that corrects a variety of benign skin imperfections, such as rosacea, lentigos, sun damage, signs of aging, small veins, and other skin blemishes.

What is Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabraison is a form of physical exfoliation. Super-fine mineral crystals are used to exfoliate your skin to reveal the fine and smooth skin beneath. It is an excellent procedure for minor wrinkling, discoloration, and minor acne. The procedure is separated into two parts and takes approximately 45 minute to 1 hour. The first is the actual microdermabraison and the second part is comprised of a multi-vitamin recovery masque.

What is Glycolic Acid

Glycolic acid is a naturally occurring acid in sugarcane that acts directly on the skin to accelerate the natural exfoliation process. It will reduce fine lines, and it relieves signs of stress, brown pigmentation, and other imperfections. This procedure usually takes between 30 to 45 minutes.

What is ThermaLift?

The non-surgical facelift/browlift technology uses a unique form of radio frequency energy to produce a desired cosmetic or therapeutic effect without damaging skin. ThermaLife can safely improve the appearance of skin in various areas, including the eye area (crow’s feet), lower face (jowls), forehead, and neck. ThermaLift is also approved in the treatment of acne and acne scarring.

What is UltraShape?

UltraShape uses ultrasound waves designed to selectively break down fat cells without affecting neighboring tissues. It sends ultrasound beams into the problematic fatty area to destroy the fat cells. The entire procedure is guided by innovative tracking technology that ensures smooth, uniform contouring. Immediately following treatment, the body’s natural processes clear away the disrupted fat cells. Another unique feature of UltraShape technology is its highly sophisticated optical tracking and guidance system engineered to ensure safe, effective, and uniform treatment.

What is Tumescent Liposuction?

Tumescent liposuction is designed to remove unwanted localized deposits of fat cells that are unresponsive to exercise or good diet. It is an outpatient dermatologic procedure that is performed under local anesthesia in our institute. Most areas of excess fat can be treated, including chin, neck, jowls, arms, chest (men), inner and outer thighs, buttocks, knees, hips, and abdomen. It is meant for body contouring, not treatment for obesity.